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An amazing story

Two years ago, we made a video to protect the valley where we have our main vegetable garden, as it was about to be sold to hunters who wanted to do commercial agriculture, which would be a disaster for the people, nature and the streams that flow through the landscape. We helped the neighbors set up a crowdfunding and an association. Shortly after, we heard the news that the owners had received a deposit from the hunters and the sale had been legally agreed upon... The neighbors decided to return all the donated money. We were so sad, but determined to take future action when necessary.

Then it turned out that there were some registration issues and the owners had to go through the Spanish bureaucratic system, which took them about two years, before they could seal the sale.

Recently, on June 14, 2024, the family who is selling the land came to talk to us. They had had time to think and because of the good ties with the neighbors, they changed their mind and no longer wanted to sell to the hunters despite a €20 000 fine they would have to pay. They'd rather sell it to us.


We are deeply affected. This time, with the owners' blessing and guarantee, if we can raise the money, it's ‘ours’.


With our association, In line with nature, we will set up a crowdfunding campaign to protect this amazing valley and mountain area of 70 hectares (173 acres), with ancient rock paintings and an incredible tribal energy, (which should actually be a protected nature reserve). This is how ‘Give it back to nature’ was born.

A protected area

No more hunting, excessive grazing, no risks for commercial agriculture or pig farms. This valley will become a protected area where all beings can live harmoniously together.

Planting trees

Planting trees and shrubs that provide shade and increase biodiversity. A natural food forest with real trees grown from seeds that don't need any intervention.

Natural farming

Growing our own food in a natural way, which restores the soil instead of damaging it. Real food, full of nutrients, vitamins grown from real seeds. 

A creative hub to learn

A place where young people can learn about landscape restoration and natural farming and invent new things. Where they are listened to and supported. Where they can merge with and observe nature.


Saving real seeds which can be freely shared with the people around us, so others can maintain food security and grown more real trees and shrubs.

Water retention

Creating a natural water cycle with natural ponds that improves water absorption and landscape rehabilitation. 

Our dream for the future

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