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Evi Maes

Community support - Cleaning the acequia 

The people of the ‘irrigation community’ in the valley need to clean the water channels every spring in order to have access to irrigation water for their gardens. This channel is 2,5 km long and each group needs to clean about 500m. As we are using the vegetable garden of our friend, he asked us to do the cleaning for him this year. We can tell you, it was tough! As someone had not done his job properly last year, we won the price to clean up someone else’s sh*. We all realised once again how important it is to remember that it is not only about us, but our current actions have implications for others in the future.

In this video you see a part of the acequia cleaning. We did this with 6 people, which are our closest neighbors and friends. 

There are many water snakes living in the water of the canals. This year the canals still held water, which made it much harder to clean it. All the roots from the sides had to be removed.  

In total we cleaned up 500 m and spent over 7 hours with 6 people. #community #inlinewithnature #collaboration 

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